Segue a andaina por terras holandesas. O
tempo cada vez parece pasar máis rápido e creo que iso é un bo sinal porque
quere dicir que o estou pasando ben. Pero non vou a contar máis ata o debido
momento, así que a seguir lendo porque “la aventura nos espera” (Versión UP).
adventure keeps going in Netherlands. Time seems to pass faster and I think
that it’s because I’m having a nice time.
I’m not talking more until I have to do it, so you must keep reading
because “Adventure is out there” (UP Version).
Chegada / Arrival
Comezaba a semana e de novo cunha charla ou
iso críamos. Erguémonos. Almorzamos e esperamos a nosa “ansiada” conversa.
Esperamos, esperamos e volvemos a esperar. Non aparecía ninguén. Eu sabía que
os holandeses non eran suízos, pero podían comprar un reloxo de alí. Pasara xa
unha hora. A compañeira alemá mirou o seu correo electrónico. Aí estaba a
explicación: Estaba enferma. Agora todo tiña sentido. Tiñamos unha tarefa:
poñer en post-it’s o nome en holandés de todo o que nos ocorrese e todo o que
tivésemos arredor, noutras palabras: empapelar a casa á holandesa.
week began and we would have another talk, we though like this. We woke up. We
took the breakfast and wait for our “longed” talk. Waiting, waiting and waiting
again. Nobody arrived. I knew that Dutch people are not Swiss people, but they
could buy a Swiss clock. It passes an hour. My German mate checks her e-mail. The
explanation was there: She was ill. We had a task: writing some Dutch words in
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Pé afundido na neve Sunken foot in the snow |
Miro pola fiestra. Coño, que choiva máis
rara!!! Anda pero se son folerpas. Comeza a nevar. Recordei o que me dixera
Mourís de: “Busca unha montaña para ir esquiar”. Lástima de montañas. Isto
look through the window. Hey, is it raining? No, it isn’t. It’s snowing. I
reminded some words that Mourís told me before coming: Search some mountains. What a pity! There aren’t
Chegou a noite acompañada dun novo inquilino,
novo para min, pero xa levaba dous meses rondando estes lares, só que se
tomárase unha vacacións. É checo. Un rapaz pintoresco, simpático, agradable,
cheo de misterio e con moitas cousas que contar. Claro está, fala mellor inglés
ca min. Á súa chegada revolucionou a casa de Gran Compadre. Ai, non! Esa é
outra casa:
is coming and a new mate too. He is not really new because he has been in the
organization, but he was on vacations. He is Check. He’s a quaint, funny,
mysterious person who has lots of things to tell. Of course, he speaks better
English than me. His arrival was like a revolution in the house. Advertisement:
Gran Compadre:
Españoles, Paco ha vuelto / Spanish
people, Paco returns
Levantarte e sentirte como na casa do meu
“tocayo”: Papá Noel. Está todo tinguido de branco. Todo!!! Abro a ventá para
sacar unha foto. Car----, que frío!! É realmente bonito, desexaba que pasase a
mañá para poder xogar coa neve. Feel like 5 years old!
woke up and I feel like in Santa Claus’ house. Everywhere I look around is
covered by de snow. Everywhere!!! I opened my window because I want to take a
photo. It is so cold!! It’s beautiful, I wanted afternoon to come faster
because I wanted to play with the snow. Feel like 5 years old!
A enfermidade continuaba así tampouco tiñamos
nada que facer ou iso pensabamos. Tempo despois chegou o voluntario holandés e
falamos do que nos gustaría aprender e do esperamos desta estancia no
estranxeiro. Tampouco é que me matase o traballo...
was still ill so we had nothing to do again. Dutch volunteer arrived and we had
to do what things we would like to learn in this experience living abroad. What a huge work…
Tarde libre!!!! Podemos saír? Podemos saír?
Podemos saír? Siiiii!!! A desfrutar da neve como cando era... Ah, non! Que en
Noia nunca nevou dende eu nacín. Saímos, PUM!! Oh, Deus! Atácannos. Comezou a
GUERRA!!! Dous equipos e un gran xogo de estratexia. Coma nenos...
afternoon!!!! Can we go outside? Can we? Yes!!! Joint the snow like I was… Hey,
no! It is never snow after I was born. We go out, PUM!! Oh, God! Somebody was
attacking us. The war had started!!! Two teams and a strategic game.

ran, we jumped and we got full of snow and, after that, we though… A
snowman!?!?! Yes, a snowman. We tried to do a snowball which was more tiring
than that I thought. We rolled the ball which would be the body. Time passed
and the ball is not big enough. I began piling snow with my feet. They found a shovel, much
easier!! Cooperating and working as a team. That is what we will do here. We
had the body, also the head and then we needed ornamentation. Everybody was
searching and look around. Nothing. A couple of sticks, we had arms and month for
him. A plastic pipe? How could we use it? Hey! We can use it as nose. A little
of grass. It seemed not important, but we could use as a mustache!!! Eyes!!
Eyes!! A couple of leaves. We couldn’t hold them so we did two holes and then
we put them in. Finally, a krone. Yeah! What will be his/her name? Paco, Paco!!
Paco? Paco. Yeah! What will be his/her name? Paco, Paco!! Paco? Paco.
Caos / Chaos
O día seguinte. Non vén ninguén, esperamos.
Esperamos, non vén ninguén. Non hai máis que vivir en un país para quitarte da
cabeza os tópicos e os prexuízos. Os holandeses non son tan puntuais nin tan
organizados como nos fan crer. Adianto as tarefas.
The next day. Nobody came, we waited. We waited,
nobody came. You can discover how some topics are false when you live in this
country. Dutch people aren’t on time how I was thought and don’t a clear
scheduler. I did some of my tasks.
A noite pasou algo incrible e moi
interesante: planeamos un proxecto propio. Como está no aire non se pode contar
nada, así estade atentos a próximas entregas deste interesante blog.
At night some wonderful thing happened: we planned our
own project. But there is nothing for sure so I can’t talk any more, you must
be careful and read the next deliveries of this blog.
Cartas / Cards
Día normal coa súa correspondente actividade,
esta vez, tal e como estaba planeado. Pasamos o tempo xogando ó xadrez, non
“safo”, pero intento. Son perseverante.
Common day, we had to do some activity, this time, all
happened how we had planned before. We pass much time playing chess, he always
win me. I’m a persistent guy.
Días antes sabíamos que da existencia de dúas
barallas: unha checa e unha croata. Temos tempo. Non xogara aínda a ningunha.
Primeiro a croata.
Some days before we knew that there were two desks in our house: the Czeck one and the Croatian one. We had time. I
had never played before with both of them. First the Croatian game.
Un xogo similar ó tute. Similar utilizado no
máis aaaamplio sentido da palabra. Quizais non ten nada que ver, pero a min
pareceumo. Non me enterei moi ben, non problemas do idioma que controlo inglés
“que lo flipas tronco” (risas de fondo, como nas comedias americanas). O certo
é que con respecto ó idioma, pouco a pouco e con moita axuda dos compañeiros,
fágome entender. Volvamos ó xogo: Complicado. Danse as cartas e o que vai
despois do que dá, chama a un dos paus da cartas para ter trunfo. Logo colas as
cartas dalgunha forma é podes cantar, como se foran “as corenta” ou “vinte en
bastos”... É complicado!!! Rematamos unhas cantas partidas, aínda non hai
sabiduría suficiente para contar máis detalles.
It’s a similar game to tute (I love this funny sentence). Maybe similar isn’t the best
word because they aren’t too similar, but from my point of view they seemed
almost the same. I didn’t understand
O checo: BANG!!! Seguro que estades pensando
en vaqueiros, pero... vaqueiros na República Checa? Pois si. Versión dos
típicos nomes de vaqueiros americanos para que a SGAE non lle veña enriba. Saca
unha instrucións que parecen unha versión ampliada da Sagrada Biblia. Comezan a
explicalo e na miña cabeza so podo pensar (“Tú a mí no me hableh azsí, ¡eh! Tú
me hablas más senSilloo”). Parece máis retorcido que o croata... Comezamos a
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Neve, sol e auga Snow, sun and water |
The Czech game: BANG!!! I bed that you are thinking in
cowboys, bandits and renegades, but… all of these in the Czech Republic? Yes.
There are versions of famous villains from the Wild West. She took the instructions
for playing, but when I saw it the first time it’s confusing because I thought
I was the Holy Bible. It seemed more difficult than Croatian ones… We began
Moitas cartas e moi diversas. É algo similar
ó xogo do policía e do ladrón, no que tamén hai unha puta polo medio que revive
a xente, sabedes de cal falo (de tal falo, tal... para maiores de 18 anos)?
Neste caso un é o shériff; outro, o axudante do shériff; 2 bandidos, e outro é o renegado. Xogando non
se fai tan complicado. Lotes de risas cando alguén se confunde, miradas ameazantes
e de carraxe contida. Risas. Disparos (BANG!!), á cuberto. Veñen os indios,
disparos. Unha metralleta, á cuberto. Non podo, perdo unha vida. Risas. Tomo
unha cervexa, recupero a vida perdida. Consigo unha pistola mellor, sinto o
poder... Risas. Así bastante tempo. Un xogo moi entretido. Encántame, só faltan
Terence Hill e Bud Spencer para ser completamente perfecto.
Lots of different cards. It’s something similar to a
Spanish game in which one there are a policeman, a thief, a bitch and lots of
inhabitants. In this game there are a sheriff, a sheriff helper, bandits and renegades.
Despite the instructions, playing is not so hard. We laughed a lot when
somebody made some mistake, we looked each other threateningly. Lot of
laughs. Shots (BANG!!), miss the bullet. Indians are coming, shots. A SMG, miss
the bullets. I can do it, I lost a life. Lot of laughs. I drink a birth, I have
one more life. I get a better gum, I feel the power… Lot of laughs. We spent a
lot of time. It is an entertaining game. I love it, this game just need
Terence Hill and Bud Spencer to be perfect.
Verano Oscuro / Dark Summer
Venres charla inesperada, pero agradable.
Coñecemos a máis membros do grupo que dirixe a organización. Falan do que
significa para eles o Cristianismo. Non o comparto, pero é entretido coñecer as
vidas de xente tan interesante. Sigo pensando que a Biblia é un libro e nada
máis e escoitalos dáme máis motivos para seguir pensando desta forma.
Friday we had an unexpected talk, but it was nice. We
met more management members of the organization. They talked about the meaning
of the Christianity
for them. I don’t agree, but it’s entertaining knowing people so interesting.
I keep thinking The Bible is just a book, and listening to their stories gives
me more reasons for keeping thinking that way.
Chegada a noite decatámonos: é venres!! Saímos?
Si, pero na versión Holandesa. Collemos a bicicleta 11:00. Aquí é realmente
tarde, ninguén polas rúas en bicicleta nin andando, só algún perdido nos bares
do pobo. Continuamos andando, segue habendo neve. Encántame, nin sequera noto o
intenso frío que golpea a miña cara gracias ó vento e velocidade da bicicleta
(relatividade: golpéame o aire a min ou eu golpeo o aire). Guau! Pasamos polos
inmensos campos de cultivo agora cubertos pola neve. É impresionante, unha luz
dunha casa a un par de quilómetros (arredor 1’5 ou 2) estanos alumeando na
pista pola imos coas bicicletas. É moi fermoso ver o reflexo das luces na
When the night came, we realized: it’s Friday!! Are we
going to go out? Yes, but in Dutch version. We pick our bikes at 11:00. Here it
seemed to be later because there wasn’t anybody riding bikes or walking at the
street, only in some bar there was some lost people. We kept riding, there was
still snow. I love it, I didn’t feel the cold wind which was hitting my face.
We were riding on a path between fields which were covered with snow.
Unbelievable, there was a light, which was 2 km I think, that was lighting the
path where we were. It’s very beautiful can watch the light reflection in the
Chegamos ó mar. É unha sensación distinta,
moi distinta á estar no paseo acompañado de xente... Parece unha cousa moi
simple e moi baladí, pero situémonos: un país distinto, un pobo que a penas
coñeces de día e é de noite. Fomos ó lugar onde controlan a auga que entra é
sae da baia, enoooooorme construción. Quizais poida parecer absurdo, quizais
soe esaxerado pero sentíame como un explorador, como un aventureiro. Foi
We could smell the sea. It’s a different feeling, it’s
not like when I am at the seafront of my village with people… It seems a simple
thing but imagine this situation: new country, almost unknown town at the mooning
and least at night. We went to a place where they control the water of the
channel. It’s a huge construction. I felt like an explorer, like an adventurer.
It was amazing.
Goes (Leríase como GHUS(JUS, para os castelán falantes))/ Goes
Levántome e baixo as escaleiras, miro por
unha das ventás que hai no camiño de baixada. Paco segue vivo, pero a guerra
contras as inclemencias do tempo comeza a deixar marcas no seu precioso rostro.
Paco perdera un ollo esta noite, pero a guerra aínda non rematara.
I woke up and I go down stairs, I look through the
window. Paco is still alive, but war against the weather made some scars on his
face. Paco had lost one eye. Paco had lost the eye this night, but the war
wasn’t finish yet.
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Ponte en Goes Bridge at Goes |
Algo atrapados, a pesar pesar da escapada de
onte. Temos tempo, imos a cidade que está máis preto: Goes. Queremos coller o
tren as 16:30, ou iso pensaba eu. Querían coller o tren as 16:20. Así que cheguei
un pouco tarde... Perdemos o tren. Collemos o seguinte que pasaba media hora
despois. As 17:00 estabamos alí. Que ben toda a tarde para comprar e pasear...
Crueis vicisitudes do destino: As tendas pechan as 17:30. Éche o que hai,
adaptarse ou morrer, entramos en dúas tendas e unhas das compañeiras comprou o
necesario para sobrevivir neste angosto lugar. Uns guantes son máis que
We still felt trapped, despite of the ride of the
night before. We had time and we went to the closer city: Goes. We wanted to
take the train at 16:30, I thought like this. The train was at 16:30. So I
arrived just few minutes later… We missed the train. We took the next one and we
arrived at 17:00. We had all afternoon to buy something and walk along the city…
But the shops close at 17:30. We went to two shops.
Fomos a un bar e estivemos falando de cousas
de voluntarios, cousas que a xente normal descoñece, cousas...
We went to a bar and we were talking about topics that
only volunteers can understand, things that common people don’t know, things...